
I’m so glad that you’re interested in learning more about me. Let me introduce myself…

Dante P Ramon

Everyone has a little creativity lurking within. Throughout my life, I’ve always been interested in storytelling, and for the last few years, have actually written some down. Of interest to me are scary stories. I’m currently writing a whole collection based on and inspired by Tarot card. I’ll take one card and, based on the card’s background and intent, I’ll write a story around it. This collection is under my dedicated site called The Dark Reading. So far, I’ve written around 30 stories. Since they’re based on the Tarot, I plan to have (at a minimum) around 80 stories altogether as there are 70+ cards. This is a long undertaking for me, and a big challenge, but with 30 out of the way, I’m fairly confident I’ll complete the collection.

Then there are also scary stories that do not involve Tarot cards. I actually created this blog because I’ve written a few such stories. I couldn’t present them in The Dark Reading series, so I’ll upload them here.

Finally, I’ll post other, miscellaneous writings, including poetry, opinions, and other fiction.

I’m also planning to record each story and present them in Podcast form so readers (or those who don’t particularly have time to read) can enjoy my work.

So, thanks again for checking out my background. Always be curious about other people’s work – you may find some that are totally impactful to your well-being.


Dante P Ramon


©2021 Dante P Ramon. All Rights Reserved. All third party marks and images are the property of their respective owners.