
Slam! A woman with graying hair forcefully sets a dirty, empty glass on top of an old, scuffed-up dryer. She wipes a dribble of sherry from her chin. Only mid-morning, she is already drinking. The laundry room has a strong musty smell due to mounds of dirty laundry strewn about the washroom. It also houses…… Continue reading Spinning

Resurrection Machine

Thunder and lightning blasted through the night sky. Heavy rain pelted the rocks on either side of the hilly road. The opossum reached the point where he wanted to cross. He poked his wet head forward and looked left to right. He saw car headlights coming toward him from the distance. Lightning lit the sky…… Continue reading Resurrection Machine

Gingerbread House

Kevin, proud and confident, offered the Tarot Reader a large, heavily decorated cookie – a gingerbread man. “Yes, this is a sample of the baked goods we’re preparing for the Executive Christmas Brunch,” he said with flair, emphasizing the word ‘executive’ in order to impress. The Reader accepted the cookie, took a bite, and savored…… Continue reading Gingerbread House

Miner’s Secret

Clear your mind, focus your feelings. Now ask your question. “I’m looking at a property in the West Coast. You know, to get away.,” said Jason, an Investor from New York, recently fired from his firm. “What should I do?” The Reader spread the cards face down on the table. “Choose your card.” Jason, with…… Continue reading Miner’s Secret